Easily convert PDF to GIF online & free.
GIF format is short for Graphics Interchange Format developed by CompuServe in 1987. Later GIF was updated in 1989. Unlike JPG or PNG, GIF is not only used to make still images, but to create animated images. GIF format has defined the early GeoCities websites, MySpace pages, and email chains since it published. To turn PDF to GIF in batch and have a better conversion experience, you can check out the desktop version.
Check Out MintPDF
Change PDF file to the GIF format easily here! Just upload the PDF from local storage or cloud service, and let this smart PDF to GIF converter do the rest!
Anyone can turn the PDF file into GIF image format without any hassles. The conversion process can be finished within several seconds.
It's 100% free and secure! It won't require you to sign up with email. Besides, the quality of GIF also can be promised. It's worth trying!